质量管理 数据完整性


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哥哥在传送门  欧盟关于修订GMP附录11—的吹风文档-上欧盟关于修订GMP附录11—的吹风文档-上
[9] Guidelines for acceptable frequency of audit trail review should be provided. For audit trails on critical parameters, e.g. setting of alarms in a BMS systems giving alarms on differential pressure in connection with aseptic filling, audit trail reviews should be part of batch release, following a risk-based approach.
[9] Audit trail functionalities should capture data entries with sufficient detail and in true time, in order to give a full and accurate picture of events. If e.g. a system notifies a regulated user of inconsistencies in a data input, by writing an error message, and the user subsequently changes the input, which makes the notification disappear; the full set of events should be captured.
[9] It should be addressed that many systems generate a vast amount of alarms and event data and that these are often mixed up with audit trail entries. While alarms and events may require their own logs, acknowledgements and reviews, this should not be confused with an audit trail review of manual system interactions. Hence, as a minimum, it should be possible to be able to sort these. 许多系统会产生大量的警报和事件数据,而且这些数据经常与审计跟踪条目混在一起,这应该引起注意。虽然警报和事件可能需要它们自己的日志、认可和审查,这不应该与人工系统交互的审计跟踪审查相混淆。因此,至少应该能够对这些数据进行排序。
[11] The concept of configuration review should be added. Instead of taking onset in the number of known changes on a system (upgrade history), it should be based on a comparison of hardware and software baselines over time. This should include an account for any differences and an evaluation of the need for re-qualification/validation.
[12.1] The current section has only focus on restricting system access to authorised individuals; however, there are other important topics. In line with ISO 27001, a section on IT security should include a focus on system and data confidentiality, integrity and availability. 本节只关注限制系统接触获授权人士;然而,还有其他重要的话题。根据ISO 27001,关于IT安全的部分应包括系统和数据机密性、完整性和可用性。
[12.1] The current version says that “Physical and/or logical controls should be in place to restrict access to computerised system to authorised persons”. However, it is necessary to be more specific and to name some of the expected controls, e.g. multi-factor authentication, firewalls, platform management, security patching, virus scanning and intrusion detection/prevention. 当前版本称,“应该实施物理和/或逻辑控制,以限制授权人员访问电脑化系统”。然而,有必要更具体地列出一些预期的控制措施,例如多因素身份验证、防火墙、平台管理、安全补丁、病毒扫描和入侵检测/防御。
[12.1] It should be specified that authentication on critical systems should identify the regulated user with a high degree of certainty. Therefore, authentication only by means of a ‘pass card’ might not be sufficient, as it could have been dropped and later found by anyone.
【看来作者没少看 十一罗汉、神奇魔盗团啊,捂脸】
[12.1] Two important expectations for allocation of system accesses should be added either here or elsewhere; i.e. ‘segregation of duties’, that day-to-day users of a system do not have admin rights, and the ‘least privilege principle’, that users of a system do not have higher access rights than what is necessary for their job function.
[12.3] The current version says that “Creation, change, and cancellation of access authorisations should be recorded”. However, it is necessary to go further than just recording who has access to a system. Systems accesses and roles should be continually managed as people assume and leave positions. System accesses and roles should be subject to recurrent reviews in order to ensure that forgotten and undesired accesses are removed. 当前版本说“创建、更改和取消访问授权应该被记录”。然而,除了记录谁有权访问系统之外,还有必要做更多的工作。系统访问和角色应该在人们担任和离开职位时进行持续的管理。系统访问和角色应该定期检查,以确保被遗忘和不希望的访问被删除。
[17] As previously mentioned (see 7.2), it is not sufficient to re-actively check archived data for accessibility, readability and integrity (it would be too late to find out if these parameters were not maintained). Instead, archival should rely on a validated process. Depending on the storage media used, it might be necessary to validate that the media can be read after a certain period. 如前所述(见7.2),反向检查归档数据的可访问性、可读性和完整性是不够的(如果不维护这些参数,那么要发现这些参数就太晚了)。相反,归档应该依赖于经过验证的过程。根据所使用的存储媒体,可能需要在一段时间后验证媒体是否可以读取。
[New] There is an urgent need for regulatory guidance and expectations to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models in critical GMP applications as industry is already implementing this technology. The primary focus should be on the relevance, adequacy and integrity of the data used to test these models with, and on the results (metrics) from such testing, rather that on the process of selecting, training and optimising the models. 如前所述(见7.2),仅仅机械的地检查归档数据的可访问性、可读性和完整性是不够的(如果这些特性不被维护,当发现时就太迟了【你就说黄瓜菜都凉了,不就得了】)。相反,归档应该依赖于经过验证的过程。根据所使用的存储媒体,可能需要在一段时间后验证媒体是否可以读取。
[New] After this concept paper has been drafted and prepared for approval of the EMA GMP/GDP Inspectors Working Group and the PIC/S Sub-committee on GMDP Harmonisation, the FDA has released a draft guidance on Computer Software Assurance for Production and Quality System Software (CSA). This guidance and any implication will be considered with regards to aspects of potential regulatory relevance for GMP Annex 11. 在起草并准备了这一概念文件以获得EMA GMP/GDP检查员工作组和PIC/S GMDP协调小组委员会的批准后,FDA发布了一份关于生产和质量系统软件的计算机软件保证(CSA)的指导草案。关于CSA和GMP附录11的潜在监管方面的类似相关内容,本指南将会尽可能兼顾。
The current Annex 11 does not give sufficient guidance within a number of areas already covered, and other areas, which are becoming increasingly important to GMP, are not covered at all. The revised text will expand the guidance given in the document and embrace the application of new technologies which have gained momentum since the release of the existing version.
If possible, the revised document will include guidelines for acceptance of AI/ML algorithms used in critical GMP applications. This is an area where regulatory guidance is highly needed as this is not covered by any existing regulatory guidance in the pharmaceutical industry and as pharma companies are already implementing such algorithms.
The EMA GMP/GDP Inspectors Working Group and the PIC/S Sub-committee on GMDP Harmonisation jointly recommends that the current version of Annex 11, Computerised Systems, be revised according to this concept paper.
EMA GMP/GDP检查员工作组和PIC/S GMDP协调小组委员会联合建议,当前版本的附件11—计算机化系统,应根据本概念文件进行修订。
Proposed timetable研究时间线
Preparation of draft concept paper – from October 2021
Approval of draft concept paper by EMA GMP/GDP IWG – October 2022
概念文件草案被自己个儿的头头(EMA GMP/GDP IWG)批准
Release for consultation of draft concept paper (2 months consultation) – October 2022
Deadline for comments on concept paper – December 2022
Discussion in EMA GMP/GDP IWG and PIC/S Committee drafting group – from March 2023
Proposed release for consultation of draft guideline (3 months consultation) – December 2024
Deadline for comments on guideline – March 2025
Adoption by EMA GMP/GDP IWG – March 2026
Publication by European Community – June 2026
欧共体出版期限 【666啊】
Adoption by PIC/S Sub-committee on GMDP Harmonisation – September 2026
PIC/S GMDP协调小组委员会通过【看谁能磨】
Resource requirements for preparation准备工作所需资源
A drafting group has been established by EMA GMP/GDP Inspectors Working Group and the PIC/S Sub- committee on GMDP Harmonisation with a rapporteur and supporting experts from other EU member regulatory authorities and from non-EU PIC/S participating authorities.
EMA GMP/GDP检查员工作组和PIC/S GMDP协调小组委员会成立了一个起草小组,由一名报告员和来自其他欧盟成员国监管机构和非欧盟PIC/S参与机构的支持专家组成。
It is expected that most of the work will be completed by email and by teleconference.
The guideline will be discussed at GMP/GDP IWG and the PIC/S Committee as necessary and at other involved working parties and groups. Further discussions are expected with interested parties.
该指南将在GMP/GDP IWG和PIC/S委员会以及其他相关工作组和小组进行必要的讨论。预计将与有关各方进行进一步讨论。【坚持就是胜利】
Impact assessment (anticipated) 影响评估(预期)
The updated Annex 11 is intended to benefit both industry and regulators by clarifying expectations to areas already covered, by broadening these to areas not yet covered, and by pushing the adoption of a common approach between EU and non-EU regulatory authorities. Revision of Annex 11 will facilitate a better understanding of expectations to the use of computerised systems within manufacturing of medicinal products, and thereby, enhance the quality and safety of products and the integrity of data.
No unnecessary adverse impact on industry with respect to either resources or costs is foreseen, although there is always a cost associated with being in compliance (or quality). The revision may require some systems and processes to be modified over a period of time.
Interested parties 利益相关团体 —— 一起玩的
EMA GMP/GDP Inspectors Working Group EMA GMP/GDP督察工作小组
PIC/S Committee, Sub-committee on GMDP Harmonisation IC/S委员会,GMDP协调小组委员会
National competent authorities of EU/EEA member states 欧盟/欧洲经济区成员国的国家主管当局
PIC/S participating authorities PIC/S参与当局
Pharmaceutical industry 制药工业届
International societies and interest groups within pharmaceutical industry, e.g. ISPE GAMP
制药行业内的国际协会和利益集团,例如ISPE GAMP
References to literature, guidelines, etc. 参考文献、指南等。
EMA GMP Q&A on Annex 11 and Q&A on Data Integrity, https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human- regulatory/research-development/compliance/good-manufacturing-practice/guidance-good- manufacturing-practice-good-distribution-practice-questions-answers
EMA GCP Guideline on computerised systems and electronic data in clinical trials (draft), EMA/226170/2021, https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/regulatory-procedural- guideline/draft-guideline-computerised-systems-electronic-data-clinical-trials_en.pdf
EMA GCP Q&A no. 8, 9, and Notice to sponsors on validation and qualification of computerised systems used in clinical trials on https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human-regulatory/research- development/compliance/good-clinical-practice/qa-good-clinical-practice-gcp
EMA GVP Q&A on Level of validation/qualification needed to be performed by a MAH when using an electronic system previously qualified by a provider https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human- regulatory/marketing-authorisation/compliance/coordination-pharmacovigilance-inspections
发布于 2022-11-20 09:24:06 © 著作权归作者所有